The Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research is composed of research, intervention and training experts in the medical, psychological and social fields.
It aims to:
- Promote research in the medical, psychological and social fields with particular attention to the following areas:
- prevention, diagnosis and treatment of childhood and adolescent psychological disorders, mental disorders, physical and mental disability;
- psychiatric rehabilitation;
- prenatal education, maternal-fetal psychiatry, gestational psychoanalysis;
- socio-cultural issues related to aging, old age and the elderly;
- medical, psychological and social issues related to the migration phenomenon;
- racism and xenophobia;
- sociopathic behavior in childhood and adolescence and juvenile deviance;
- health education and risk-taking behavior;
- bioethics and ethics for healthcare professionals;
- ethical, legal and social aspects related to biomedical research;
- socio-psychological impact of new technologies;
- training and teaching methodology;
- occupational psychology;
- marketing psychology;
- group management.
- Provide refresher and training courses for operators (doctors, psychologists, sociologists, teachers of all levels and specialization) in the above mentioned fields;
- Apply the results of research to the clinical field;
- Carry out inquiries, studies, reports and research for our own purposes or on behalf of National and International entities;
- Plan, execute and evaluate educational and training campaigns for the medical, psychological and social spheres;
- Deal with any other medical, psychological or social related issue approved by the Administration Board.