INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: “Mental Health of forced migrants: a worldwide challenge”


March, 7 - 15.00-18.00pm

Zoom Video Conference

Forced migration has a great impact on mental health. The almost total lack of legal channels of access to protection exposes these people to a very dangerous migratory path marked by exploitation, violence, malnutrition, impossibility to be treated, psychological and physical humiliation, detention and refoulement. In addition to all this, there are also the difficulties they face after their arrival in Europe, when their condition of vulnerability exposes them to further traumas, not least those related to inadequate reception conditions and the real risk of falling into processes of serious marginalization.

A complex and multidimensional need such as that expressed by forced migrants requires equally complex and multidimensional responses. The Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research (IPRS) has carried out, within the project PsychCare – Psychiatric Services for Refugees funded by the Open Society Foundations, a participatory advocacy action that has brought to light how the reception and integration of forced migrants poses an extremely important organizational and cultural challenge for the health system, and psychiatry in particular.

The Italian Society of Psychiatry and the Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research organize an international seminar to offer an opportunity of comparing perspectives between practitioners and specialists from different countries on the topic of protecting and promoting mental health of forced migrants.

The online conference will be held from 15.00 to 18.00 cet.

The conference will be held in English, French and Italian.
A simultaneous translation service will be provided.


This livestreaming event will take place on the Zoom Video Conferencing platform.

You can participate by acquiring a free “virtual ticket” on Eventbrite at the following link: