Incertezze del Gender
The Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research (IPRS), the Institute for Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis “Elvio Fachinelli” (ISAP), the European Journal of Psychoanalysis, the Italian Society of Psychiatry and the Sapienza University of Rome, with the support of La Stampa-Salute, propose a series of online seminars from 31st March to 23rd June 2023 at 18:00 CET.
“Gender Uncertainties” – 3rd webinar
Friday 12th May 2023, at 6pm CET
Speaker: Massimo Clerici
Discussants: Stefano Guerra – Rita Roncone
Introduction: Giulio Corrivetti – Anna Maria Giannini
Moderator: Raffaele Bracalenti
Simultaneous translation service ITALIAN – ENGLISH
will be provided
NEXT MEETING: 23rd June 2023 – hrs18.00 Cet

Buy your free virtual ticket
GUIDELINES for interpretation on Zoom
The theme of ‘gender‘ – the rejection of male-female binarism and heteronormativity – striking at the foundations of the static-determinist view of the biologistic type, imposes rethinking on various disciplines: from the clinic, which is being asked to completely revise its approach to the issue, to legal doctrines, which must assess the consequences, and even affects the broader social vision, involving education and information.
The Freudian construct is also challenged: the Oedipus complex understood as the space-time in which the human and civil subject is constituted.
Psychoanalysis itself, born as one of the most subversive disciplines in the West, unprepared for such an emergency, today risks repeating what it produced a few decades ago with regard to homosexuality: becoming a conservative theory of the human subject, inhibiting novelty and thought.
This series of meetings aims to give a secular voice to the various positions on the topic of gender and sexuality, through a discussion involving psychoanalysis, philosophy, the humanities and medicine.
Sergio Benvenuto – Fabrice Bourlez – Raffaele Bracalenti – Arturo Casoni
Fernando Castrillón – Adele Nunziante Cesaro – Massimo Clerici
Giulio Corrivetti – Emanuela Fraire – Anna Maria Giannini
Patricia Gherovici – Stefano Guerra
Franco Lolli – Rita Roncone – Élisabeth Roudinesco
You can contact us at +39.06.32652401 or by email at